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Have questions about the Microschool? Below are answers to questions that many parents ask.

  • What is a Microschool?
    Ignite is the first Microschool in Greenville SC, so the concept is new to many parents. Microschools have grown in popularity across America in the last decade and are predominately found in Texas, the North East, and California. Microschools tend to be grassroots operations and are often founded by parents and educators who have identified a learning need and/or educational services gap in educational opportunities in their community such as gifted education, special education, creative arts, or STEM learning and decide to launch a school to fill that need. Each microschool is unique in their educational philosophy, school culture, schedules, and student populations. Microschools typically serve 10 - 30 multi-age children but some larger established schools educate up to 150 children in small groupings.
  • How do I know if my child a good fit for Ignite Microschool?
    In terms of temperament, students who excel in the small multi-age classroom at Ignite are independent learners who are curious about the world around them. They thrive when given the time and space to take deep dives into topics that intrigue them, working collaboratively with a team or by themselves. They persevere through difficult tasks and are excited about demonstrating their expertise in creative ways. They encourage and mentor their peers. They are respectful to their peers and teachers and self-regulate their behavior to allow others to succeed. Academically, students who excel at Ignite receive quality instruction in core subjects at home, ensuring that their time at Ignite is spent applying skills and knowledge they have learned as they complete interdisciplinary STEAM projects alone and in small groups.
  • How do I know if my educational goals for my children align with Ignite?
    Parents who recognize that education is a lifelong process and not a destination are well aligned with Ignite. If you have multiple children, you know that even though they rolled-over, walked, and slept through the night at different times, they each mastered it. Why do we think that all children become standardized at age 5 and begin to learn everything at the same time? That educational paradigm is incorrect. Individual development and learning timelines still exist. Ignoring that truth results in frustrated kids who don't like school. Kids who need more time to master a skill feel like a failure and kids who have already mastered skills say school is boring. At Ignite, instruction is based on each child's development and readiness. We continually assess skills and and plan instruction appropriately. We evaluate based on mastery, not standardized assessments, because every learner is unique, not standard. We build trust and willingness to learn new skills with a combination of 1:1 instruction and multi-age small group instruction. Parents who want their child to master real-life skills and don't measure educational progress on "all A's" on knowledge based tests enjoy the freedom of authentic assessment at Ignite. The goal is not finishing one grade with a good GPA and going to the next grade. Children are not given quarterly or final grades. Skills are taught through direct instruction, practiced, and re-taught until mastery is met. Mastery is determined by application of the skills to meaningful tasks. Once a skill or concept is mastered, the child moves on and is not required to wait for others to "catch-up". Parents who want their children to own their own learning are excited by their child's growth at Ignite. Children develop executive functioning skills as they learn to take responsibility of their own learning. They will understand their learning targets in the core subjects of phonics, reading comprehension, written expression, and math and they will be responsible for completing independent practice tasks each day.
  • How do I pay tuition?
    Tuition can be paid in full at the begining of each semester or paid monthly. Check or cash is preferred. If you would like to pay by credit card, a 3% fee will be added to cover processing costs.
  • Are there attendance requirements or tardies at Ignite?
    No. As homeschool parents, you are responsible for your children's education. If you choose to take a vacation or attend a special event on a school day, that's great! We will want to see pictures! If you child is sick, please keep them home! Children should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school and should not have vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. However, tuition will not be rufunded for days your child does not come to school. We jump right into our day, so kids want to be on-time, but if you don't arrive on time, there are no reprecussions from Ignite.
  • How does Ignite differ from other private schools in Greenville?
    Ignite provides a truly individualized educational setting for your child. The multi-age small group "one-room school house" setting allows for student teacher ratios ranging from 1:1 instruction to 1:6 whole group activities. Students learn at their own developmental rate and learn in fluid groups that are determined by mastery not standardized age-based grades. Students have time each school day to explore STEAM, problem-based learning, creative arts, and passion projects. Children have choice and responsiblities for their learning which develops executive functioning.
  • Is Ignite a homeschool co-op?
    Ignite is best described as a hybrid homeschool, not a co-op. Parents register as Option 3 Homeschoolers with the state of SC and are ulimately responsible for their child's education. Ignite cohorts meet 2 days a week which gives families the freedom of homeschooling. There are a couple of differences between Ignite and many co-ops in Greenville. First, at Ignite instruction is individualized for each child. At co-ops, children in each class get the same instruction. Second, in many co-ops, parents are required to volunteer. While we love parent help and parent support will allow Ignite to grow, parents do not have volunteer requirements.
  • Will my child have homework?
    We do not assign homework. If a child has not mastered a skill at school, why would we ask them to practice it at home with minimal support? Conversely, if a child has mastered a skill, why would they need to practice it some more? It is always wonderful when a child chooses to immerse themselves in a good book, or write independently, but we don't believe that busy work is necessary. The low teacher student ratios and individualized learning at Ignite allow us to pack a lot of learning in each day and we want kids to go home and enjoy activities, after school classes, and informal learning through play with peers and familiy members.
  • What is the daily schedule?
    School meets from 9:30 - 1:00. When students arrive, we will gather as a group and explore a learning question through literature, math problem solving, or skills instruction. Then, we will transition into collaborative games and 1:1 or small group mini-lessons. Individual and collaborative STEAM exploration and process art will be followed by a lunch break, outside play and then continued learning exploration. We will follow the children's interest level and learning engagement cues instead of a rigid time schedule, so no two days will be exactly alike.
  • What is the application process?
    The first step is to complete the Microschool Interest Form. Upon submission of the form, Beth Kinzer will contact you to schedule a follow-up phone call. We will further discuss your families educational goals and Beth will share more about Ignite and answer your questions. If you are still interested, you will complete the Microschool Application. Upon receipt of the completed application, $50 application fee, and 2 reference, Beth Kinzer will contact you to discuss the application and answer any of your questions. An admissions decision will be reached once the reference forms have been received and reviewed by the admissions committee. Beth Kinzer will contact you to share the admissions decision and talk about next steps. A $75 non-refundable deposit will be required to hold your child's spots in the program.
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216 Bransfield Rd Greenville, SC 29615 | 864-787-8621

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